Key Points

  • Monaco’s coffee shop culture is as refined as its reputation, offering a mix of traditional appeal and contemporary style.
  • Café de Paris is a classic hotspot for locals and tourists alike who are looking for a high-end coffee experience.
  • Local roasters like Monaco Coffee Roasters and Riviera Roast bring distinct tastes and skilled craftsmanship to Monaco’s coffee scene.
  • Beautiful views enhance the coffee-drinking experience at Monaco’s coffee shops, with views of the harbor and hidden terraces serving as the ideal setting.
  • There are plenty of specialty coffee experiences to be had, from artisan lattes to exotic bean infusions, catering to the tastes of discerning coffee lovers.

A Paradise for Coffee Enthusiasts: Explore the Best of Monaco

When you think of Monaco, you might think of glamorous casinos, yachts, and the Grand Prix. But there’s another kind of luxury to be found in the narrow streets of this coastal jewel: the coffee shop culture. It’s where the rich scent of freshly ground coffee beans mixes with the salty ocean air, creating an environment that’s both stimulating and indulgent.

Explore the Coffee Culture of Monaco

The coffee shops in Monaco aren’t just places to get a fast espresso; they’re establishments that honor the craft of coffee and the pleasure of enjoying each sip. In Monaco, coffee is more than just a drink—it’s a way of life. So, when you’re wandering the streets, let the aroma of coffee lead you to one of the many unique cafes, each with its own tale and signature brew.

The Magic of Luxurious Coffee Shop Ambiances

Picture yourself lounging in a comfy velvet seat, enjoying a flawlessly made cappuccino, and observing the world pass by. The coffee shops in Monaco provide this unique experience, combining luxury with the comfort of a neighborhood café. In this place, every coffee shop has its own character, from the majesty of long-standing places to the chic décor of contemporary retreats.

Given that we’re discussing Monaco, you should anticipate nothing short of outstanding service and a clientele that frequently includes the crème de la crème of society. Regardless of whether you’re seeking a tranquil nook to read a book or a bustling location to observe people, you’ll discover a café that fits your vibe.

Monaco’s Coffee Roasting Connoisseurs

What makes the coffee scene in Monaco stand out isn’t just the atmosphere; it’s the commitment to quality. Local roasters are enthusiastic about their work, frequently procuring beans from the world’s finest producers and roasting them to perfection. This dedication to excellence ensures that every cup you consume is a tribute to the roaster’s expertise and the global journey of coffee.

Monaco’s Exclusive Cafés: A Sophisticated Sip

Monaco is a place where old meets new, and nowhere is this more evident than in its coffee shops. Here, you’re not just served coffee, but an experience that lingers long after the last drop.

Café de Paris: An Evergreen Favorite

The soul of Monaco’s coffee culture, the legendary Café de Paris, is situated right in the middle of the lively Casino Square. This café is the epitome of elegance and history. Café de Paris, with its Belle Époque architectural style and the best place for people-watching, is a must-see for anyone wanting to experience the Monegasque way of life.

This is what you should do:

  • Take a seat on the terrace for the best people-watching spot in the square.
  • Try their house blend and a warm croissant for the full experience.
  • Enjoy the atmosphere, which is as full-bodied as the coffee.

But Café de Paris isn’t just about the coffee; it’s about the experience. It’s a place where memories are created, business deals are made, and friends catch up.

Café Llorca: A Blend of Contemporary Taste and Monaco Style

  • Experience the café’s unique artisan coffees, each with a distinctive twist.
  • Appreciate the contemporary art pieces that often enhance your coffee experience.
  • Don’t forget to try their homemade pastries, the perfect accompaniment to their exceptional brews.

Enter Café Llorca and be welcomed by smooth lines, modern décor, and a level of refinement that is uniquely Monaco. This café is a favourite spot for the contemporary coffee enthusiast, offering a menu that brings a fresh perspective to traditional favourites.

Take a moment to appreciate the setting at Café Llorca, which is minimalist yet comfortable. The art pieces on the walls have been carefully chosen and are as much a feast for the eyes as the coffee is for the taste buds.

At Café Llorca, they don’t just serve coffee, they create art. Each cup is a carefully crafted masterpiece, made with precision and passion. The baristas here are true artists, and coffee is their canvas. Whether you’re a fan of bold espressos or prefer a more delicate pour-over, you’re sure to be impressed by the quality and creativity of the coffee at Café Llorca.

Sass Cafe: A Place Where Coffee and Glamour Collide

If you want to add a dash of sophistication to your coffee experience, you need to visit Sass Cafe. It’s a place where the rich and famous gather, and the ambiance is full of a thrilling and exclusive vibe.

Over at Sass Cafe, the coffee is daring and the atmosphere is buzzing. During the day, it’s a spot to socialize and be noticed, enjoying meticulously made drinks in a setting that’s unmistakably Monaco. When the sun goes down, the café turns into a bustling hotspot, featuring music and an energetic crowd.

Monaco’s Local Roasters: The Masters Behind the Signature Blends

Monaco’s coffee culture is deeply rooted in the work of local roasters. Their commitment to their craft is clear in every cup served in the principality’s coffee shops. These craftsmen marry old-world methods with modern innovation to create blends that are both distinctive and embody the luxurious spirit of Monaco.

Monaco Coffee Roasters: The Voyage of the Bean

Monaco Coffee Roasters is not just a brand; it’s a voyage that starts with the painstaking choice of beans from the best coffee-producing areas in the world. The roasters here are fastidious, making sure each batch is roasted to highlight the inherent tastes and scents that make each source unique.

Make sure to take advantage of your visit to their café by striking up a conversation with the roasters. They love what they do and are always more than happy to share what they know. You can learn about the journey the bean takes from the farm to your cup and how things like altitude and climate can affect the profile of the coffee.

Riviera Roast: A Coastal Delight

Riviera Roast embodies the Mediterranean in every cup. This local roaster is proud to produce blends that are a true testament to the Riviera, with flavors as bright and energetic as the coast itself.

At this coffee shop, the coffee is a call to take a break, to enjoy the tastes and acknowledge the skill that goes into each roast. Whether you’re a resident or a tourist, a cup from Riviera Roast is like a warm greeting to the center of Monaco.

Drinking Coffee with a View: Beautiful Places to Sip Your Coffee

Monaco is not just about beautiful buildings and luxury yachts; it’s also about the stunning views you can enjoy while sipping your morning or afternoon coffee. The geography of the principality allows for coffee shops that offer more than just a good cup of coffee—they offer a feast for the senses.

Espresso and Seaside

Picture yourself enjoying a smooth espresso while looking out at the shimmering harbor waters. This is not a fantasy in Monaco, it’s a way of life. The waterfront cafes provide a serene environment where the city’s hustle and bustle fades away, leaving just you, your coffee, and the view.

These places are ideal for anyone wanting a break from the hustle and bustle of Monaco, even if it’s just for a coffee break. Each sip of coffee is not just a taste of the rich flavors, but also a chance to take in the breathtaking views that make Monaco so unique.

Monaco’s Secret Terraces

For those who know where to look, Monaco’s secret terraces are the ultimate escape. Hidden from the main roads, these tucked-away spots are the city’s best-kept secrets. Here, you can enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee surrounded by lush greenery and the soft sounds of the city below.

It can be a bit of a challenge to locate these terraces, but that’s part of the fun. Take a stroll along the meandering paths, climb the stone steps, and you’ll discover a sanctuary that feels like a completely different world from the glitz and glamour. It’s the ideal spot to sit back, relax, and recharge with a tasty cup of joe.


Got a burning question about the coffee scene in Monaco? You’re not alone. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

What Sets Monaco’s Coffee Scene Apart?

In Monaco, coffee is a lavish and exact affair. Coffee is not just a drink, but an art form, where every detail—from the choice of beans to the café’s atmosphere—is carefully curated. The fusion of traditional European coffee traditions and Monaco’s penchant for luxury results in a coffee experience like no other. In Monaco, enjoying a cup of coffee is about slowing down, appreciating the moment, and treating oneself.

Are There Any International Coffee Chains in Monaco?

Although international chains are popular worldwide, in Monaco, the coffee scene is mainly filled with local cafes that offer a unique experience and personalized service. The emphasis here is on exclusive, boutique cafes, not the international brands you might find in other places. This isn’t a place for your typical coffee chain experience. It’s about exploring the essence of Monegasque hospitality and the uniqueness of each cafe.

However, if you’re really missing the taste of home, you might find a few international names. But when in Monaco, why not try something different and immerse yourself in the local scene? You might just discover your new favorite place.

Can I Go On A Coffee Tasting Tour?

Yes, you can! If you’re a coffee lover and want to learn more about Monaco’s coffee scene, you can join a coffee tasting tour. These tours usually include visits to the best cafés and local roasters in Monaco. You’ll learn about the roasting process, cupping, and how to distinguish different flavors in coffee. It’s a great way to experience Monaco’s coffee culture and taste some of the best coffee in the city.

What Local Coffee Flavors Should You Try?

Monaco offers a variety of flavors that are influenced by the local palate and the Mediterranean. Here are some that you shouldn’t miss:

  • Monaco Blend: This is our signature blend, it’s smooth, rich, and just right for any time of day.
  • Riviera Roast: A lively coffee with hints of citrus and floral notes that remind you of the freshness of the sea.
  • Mocha Monaco: A luxurious version of the classic mocha with fine chocolate and a hint of local spices.

Don’t hesitate to ask the barista for recommendations. They are the experts and can guide you to a coffee that suits your taste.

Can You Bring Pets to Monaco Cafés?

Monaco is a pet-friendly country, and many cafés are happy to have your four-legged friends visit. You’ll often see dogs relaxing next to their owners on café terraces, soaking up the warm Monaco sun. However, it’s always a good idea to check with the café first, as their policies may differ. But don’t worry, in Monaco, your furry friend won’t have to miss out on your coffee escapades.


In a city known for its exclusivity, it’s only fitting that the coffee shops in Monaco offer experiences that are anything but ordinary. From handcrafted lattes to unique bean brews, there’s always something different and thrilling to try.

And there you have it, a guide to the best coffee shops and local roasters in Monaco. Whether you’re after elegance, atmosphere, or simply a seriously good cup of coffee, Monaco has it all. So the next time you find yourself in this small principality, take the time to immerse yourself in the local coffee scene—it’s an experience you won’t forget.

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 | Website is a solo project by me, Christal Céleste, a resident of Monaco since 1990. I've practically grown up alongside this unique city-state, and I'm passionate about sharing my experience and insider knowledge with you.

Monaco isn't just a place to visit, it's a lifestyle. And I've been lucky enough to immerse myself in it all. From catching waves on Monaco's exclusive beaches to soaking up the Riviera sun on a private yacht, I've experienced the full spectrum of luxury this playground offers.

But Monaco is more than just glamour. I've also tried my luck at the legendary Casino de Monte Carlo, savored exquisite lunches at Alain Ducasse's restaurants, and enjoyed lively dinners at the waterfront. For my casual escape, there's nothing like strolling Monaco's picturesque main road, soaking in the sights & atmosphere.

When I'm not writing you might find me on the courts at the Monte-Carlo Country Club, teeing off at the Monaco Golf Club, or channeling my inner Grace Kelly with a spin in an exotic car. But Monaco's charm extends beyond the fast lane. There's a simple pleasure in strolling the Rocher with local friends.

In the afternoon you might catch me unwinding at a cozy little Italian flavored coffee shop around the corner of the Royal Palace with that perfectly frothy cappuccino.

As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues, you might find me sipping my favorite aperitif on the rooftop at Buddha-Bar, enjoying the stunning views. Champagne, after all, is a celebration in itself, or simply the perfect way to toast another beautiful day in Monaco.

My finger is always on the pulse of Monaco. Whether it's the latest trends or hidden gems, I'm here to guide you through the magic of this little corner of the world. Join me on this journey to discover Monaco!