Nestled in the heart of Monaco, Casino Square is more than just a gambler’s paradise. It’s a vibrant hub where luxury and leisure meet, offering a plethora of experiences beyond the roulette wheel. I’ve wandered its opulent surroundings, discovering that there’s a world of adventure waiting just steps away.

From lush gardens that whisper tranquility to the roar of Formula 1 cars, the area surrounding Casino Square is a treasure trove of experiences. I’ve sipped on world-class cocktails with breathtaking views and delved into cultural depths that span centuries.

Join me as I share the top picks for things to do near Casino Square that promise to enrich your visit with memories worth betting on.

Experiencing the Thrill of Formula 1 Races

When I think of Monaco, the roar of Formula 1 cars zipping through the narrow streets during the prestigious Monaco Grand Prix immediately comes to mind. This iconic race transforms the streets around Casino Square into a high-speed circuit that’s both a driver’s dream and a challenge.

It’s an event that embodies the essence of speed, glamour, and skill, making it an absolute must-experience for any visitor in the area during race season. The Monaco Grand Prix is one of the most famous races in the world, and its circuit is renowned for being particularly demanding.

With tight corners, elevation changes, and a tunnel, it’s a test of skill for the world’s best drivers. Watching them navigate the track at breakneck speeds, just inches away from the barriers, is a heart-pounding experience. It’s not just about the race itself; the entire city buzzes with excitement.

The atmosphere is electric, with fans from all over the globe gathering to witness this spectacular event. For those planning to catch the race, securing a good vantage point is key.

While grandstand seats offer fantastic views of specific sections of the track, there are also various spots around the city where one can catch glimpses of the action for free. However, for a truly unforgettable experience, I’d recommend splurging on a balcony or yacht spot.

These premium options provide not only exceptional views of the race but also a taste of the luxurious lifestyle Monaco is famous for.

Aside from the race, the Monaco Grand Prix weekend is filled with events and activities that celebrate the sport of motor racing.

From autograph signing sessions with the drivers to public pit lane walks, there are plenty of opportunities for fans to get up close and personal with the stars of Formula 1. 

The harbor area, with its lineup of superyachts, becomes a party hub, hosting glamorous events and parties that last well into the night. Being part of the Monaco Grand Prix is an exhilarating experience that goes beyond just watching a motor race.

It’s about being immersed in a world of luxury, excitement, and speed. The memories I’ve made here, from the deafening sound of the cars to the spirited cheers of the crowd, are unforgettable. It’s a unique blend of sporting excellence and opulent spectacle that truly captures the spirit of Monaco.

Exploring the Bustling Casino Square

The Grand Prix Casino Square pulsates with an energy unlike any other. The clinking of chips mingles with the murmur of conversation in a dozen languages, creating a constant hum of activity. The air thrums with a tangible anticipation, a shared undercurrent of glamorous possibility.

As I wandered beneath the grand Belle Époque facades, I couldn’t help but be swept up in the spectacle. Luxurious cars glided past, their polished surfaces reflecting the vibrant neon signs that bathed the square in a warm glow.

Elegant couples strolled hand-in-hand, their attire hinting at the opulent evening ahead. Even the non-gamblers, like myself, were drawn into the intoxicating atmosphere.

Street performers added a touch of whimsy, with acrobats defying gravity and magicians weaving illusions that left me awestruck. Beyond the allure of the casinos themselves, Casino Square is a captivating stage, a place where people watching is an art form in itself.

A group of impeccably dressed musicians played a lively jazz piece, their smooth melodies weaving through the throng. I witnessed a group of friends celebrating a big win, their joyous cheers echoing across the square.

But Casino Square isn’t just about extravagance. Tucked away in a corner, I stumbled upon a charming chess club. Elderly gentlemen, their faces etched with years of experience, sat hunched over intricately carved chessboards, their concentration palpable. It was a delightful juxtaposition to the fast-paced world of roulette and blackjack happening just steps away.

As dusk settled, the lights of the casinos truly came alive, casting a mesmerizing spell over the entire square. It was a scene straight out of a James Bond movie, and for a moment, I couldn’t help but feel like I was part of something extraordinary.

Shopping Extravaganza

Casino Square transforms into a shopper’s paradise as you step beyond the clinking of chips and onto streets lined with prestigious boutiques. Window shopping here is an art form in itself. Intricate displays showcase the latest collections from world-renowned fashion houses.

Dresses shimmer with sequins under the Mediterranean sun, while perfectly tailored suits hang like silent testaments to impeccable craftsmanship. The air carries a subtle fragrance of expensive leather and exotic perfumes, further amplifying the sense of luxury.

A quick peek inside one of these designer stores reveals a world of personalized service. Attentive salespeople with impeccable taste stand ready to assist, their knowledge of the latest trends as vast as their understanding of their clientele’s desires. But for those who prefer a more independent exploration, simply strolling past the window displays is a visual feast.

The experience isn’t limited to just high fashion. Dazzling jewelry stores beckon with sparkling diamonds and exquisite gemstones. Each piece is a work of art, a miniature masterpiece waiting to adorn a lucky wrist or grace a sophisticated neckline.

Even for those not planning a major purchase, the opportunity to admire the craftsmanship and artistry behind these exquisite pieces is a treat in itself. The energy in these stores pulsates with a quiet excitement, a shared appreciation for the finer things in life.

Exploring the Lavish Gardens

One of my absolute favorite things to do near Casino Square, Monaco, doesn’t involve stepping inside a casino at all. It’s wandering through the lavish gardens that are peppered around this extravagant locale. The experience is like stepping into a living painting, where every turn reveals a new brush stroke of natural beauty coupled with meticulous design.

First up on my list is the Japanese Garden. Nestled just a stone’s throw away from the bustling Casino Square, this garden is a serene oasis. Inspired by the Zen philosophy, its design incorporates water features, stepping stones, and carefully pruned greenery that transport you to a tranquil corner of Japan.

I’ve spent countless hours just sitting by the pond, watching the koi fish glide effortlessly through the water. It’s a stark contrast to the fast-paced energy of the city and provides a much-needed respite.

Then there’s the Saint Martin Gardens, a lush, verdant space that offers panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea.

The paths here are lined with a diverse array of Mediterranean flora, attracting a colorful variety of birds and butterflies. It’s not just a feast for the eyes; the fragrant herbs and flowers ensure that a stroll through Saint Martin Gardens is a multisensory experience. I always make it a point to pause for a moment on one of the benches, taking in the sights, sounds, and scents that envelop me.

But the highlight for any botanical enthusiast or lover of beauty has to be the Exotic Garden of Monaco. Perched on the side of a cliff, this garden is a testament to human ingenuity and nature’s splendor. It houses an impressive collection of succulent plants, especially cacti, from all corners of the globe.

The garden not only showcases the diversity of these resilient plants but also offers breathtaking views over Monaco and the azure waters of the Mediterranean beyond. The path winds its way through the garden, ensuring visitors get to admire every unique plant on display.

Delving into Centuries of Culture

After savoring the innovative cocktails and gourmet treats near Casino Square, I felt a pull towards exploring the rich cultural tapestry Monaco has to offer. My curiosity led me into the heart of Monte Carlo, where centuries of history and culture wait to be discovered by enthusiastic visitors like me.

First on my list was the Monte Carlo Opera House. Known for its exceptional acoustics and breathtaking Belle Époque architecture, this venue left me spellbound. Every corner tells a story, with ornate frescoes and sculptures filling the space. I learned that it’s been a cultural beacon since 1879, hosting world-renowned operas and ballets. Just standing in the opulent auditorium made me feel like I was part of Monaco’s glamorous history.

Next, I wandered over to the Oceanographic Museum. Perched on the edge of The Rock, the museum offers a deep dive into marine sciences, with a blend of history, art, and biology that’s rare to find. The exhibitions ranged from rare species of fish to interactive displays about marine conservation efforts. It was enlightening to see how Monaco contributes to oceanic research, making me appreciate the principality’s dedication to preserving our planet’s underwater worlds.

The Prince’s Palace was another must-visit. Each summer, the state rooms open to the public, offering a glimpse into the luxurious lives of Monaco’s rulers. The Italian-style gallery and the Louis XV bedroom were particularly impressive. But it was the changing of the guard that truly captivated me. This precise ceremony is a daily tradition that embodies Monaco’s rich heritage and respect for tradition.

As I moved through these historical sites, I realized how Monaco’s culture is a blend of grandeur and scientific curiosity. Each location had its own story, contributing to the mosaic that defines this tiny yet fascinating country.

Unwinding at Luxurious Spas

After a day of soaking in Monaco’s cultural and historical wonders, I decided to treat myself to some much-needed relaxation. Monaco, known for its opulence and luxury, boasts some of the most exquisite spas in the world, and they’re all a stone’s throw away from Casino Square.

My first stop was the renowned Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo. Overlooking the Mediterranean, this spa is a sanctuary of wellness. With a heated seawater pool, various saunas, and hammams, I instantly knew I was in for a treat. Their holistic approach, focusing on both physical and mental well-being, resonated with me. I opted for a deep tissue massage followed by a seaweed wrap. The experience was nothing short of transformative, leaving my body invigorated and my mind at peace.

Next on my list was the Spa Metropole by Givenchy. Nestled within the opulent Hotel Metropole, this spa is the epitome of luxury. The ambience is captivating, with each treatment room designed to ensure privacy and tranquility. I was particularly intrigued by their signature treatments, which incorporate Givenchy’s sophisticated beauty products. The “Le Soin Noir Facial,” known for its rejuvenating properties, was an absolute revelation. My skin had never felt smoother nor more radiant.

Throughout my spa-hopping journey in Monaco, I discovered a few noteworthy aspects.

The Emphasis on Personalization

Each spa went above and beyond to tailor treatments to my specific needs. Whether it was a massage that focused on stress points or a facial adapted to my skin type, the personalized touch was apparent and much appreciated.

The Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

While Monaco’s spas are steeped in history, they seamlessly integrate the latest advancements in wellness and beauty. From cutting-edge skin treatments to traditional therapeutic massages, the blend of old and new is fascinating.

Sustainability Efforts

I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the sustainable practices implemented by many of these establishments. From the use of organic products to initiatives aimed at conserving water and reducing waste, it’s clear that Monaco’s luxury spas are committed to environmental stewardship.

Stepping into Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo, the sparkling Mediterranean stretched out before me, transforming the space into a sanctuary of wellness. Their commitment to personalization, innovation, and sustainability left me feeling pampered, invigorated, and ready to conquer the evening. Perhaps a perfectly crafted cocktail would be the ideal way to celebrate? 

Indulging in World-Class Cocktails with a View

Emerging from the tranquil oasis of Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo, a different kind of exhilaration beckoned. Équivoque Rooftop Bar, perched above the vibrant cityscape, offered a breathtaking Mediterranean vista that served as the first sip of a truly sensory experience. Here, cocktails transcended mere drinks; they were meticulously crafted masterpieces, a testament to precision and flair.

Each sip is a journey through exotic flavors and premium spirits. A personal highlight was their signature “Jardin Secret,” infused with local lavender and a hint of citrus, a delightful homage to the Riviera’s botanical treasures. The delicate lavender balanced the citrus perfectly, creating a refreshing and elegant drink that embodied the essence of the sunny Riviera. It was as if the very essence of the landscape had been captured in a glass.

As I savored this delightful concoction, the world seemed to melt away, replaced by the panoramic view stretching out before me. The sparkling turquoise water, dotted with yachts, and the vibrant city lights twinkling in the distance created a scene straight out of a dream. This tranquil escape is precisely the feeling you can chase during the adrenaline rush of the Grand Prix.

Here are my best bar tips for replicating this kind of relaxing bar experiences during the Grand Prix weekend.

Sky-High Sips and Riviera Delights

My first stop was the Équivoque Rooftop Bar, boasting an unparalleled panorama of the Mediterranean. Here, cocktails are elevated to art forms. Each meticulously crafted sip is a journey through exotic flavors and premium spirits. A personal highlight was their signature “Jardin Secret,” infused with local lavender and a hint of citrus, a delightful homage to the Riviera’s botanical treasures. 

A Speakeasy Sojourn

A short stroll away, nestled on a quieter street, I discovered a hidden gem – Le Bar Américain at Hôtel de Paris. This intimate bar offered a stark contrast, focusing on classic cocktails. It felt like stepping into a bygone era where bartenders were revered artisans. Here, I savored a perfectly balanced Negroni, the ideal F1 race antidote with its bitter-sweet symphony. 

Beyond the Drinks

These captivating cocktail experiences were complemented by delectable small bites, from artisan cheeses at Équivoque to freshly prepared seafood canapés and the delightful warmth of Babajuan, a Monegasque specialty, at Le Bar Américain. Each morsel was a sensory delight, elevating the entire experience into a symphony for the senses.

Innovation in a Glass

Venturing further, I arrived at a haven for the adventurous imbiber – Blue Gin at the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort. This bar pulsates with creativity, mirroring the energy of Monte Carlo’s nightlife. Their interactive cocktail menu allows guests to tailor drinks to their mood or flavor preferences. I opted for something daring – a concoction with a spicy kick and a hint of sweetness, echoing the day’s exhilarating events. 

Fine Dining Delights

Venturing beyond the flashing lights and lively chatter of Casino Square, a different kind of indulgence awaits. Monaco boasts a world-class dining scene, where Michelin-starred restaurants and iconic establishments vie for the attention of discerning palates.

One evening, I found myself at a renowned establishment overlooking the sparkling Mediterranean. Crisp white tablecloths flowed down to the floor, and floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking vista of yachts bobbing gently on the azure water.

The service was impeccable, with waiters gliding effortlessly between tables, their every movement an unspoken promise of an exceptional experience.

The menu itself was a symphony of flavors, a meticulously curated selection of seasonal ingredients and culinary artistry. Locally sourced seafood featured prominently, each dish a testament to the bounty of the surrounding waters. I savored a dish of pan-seared scallops with a delicate saffron sauce, the flavors dancing on my tongue.

Every bite was a revelation, a testament to the chef’s dedication to transforming simple ingredients into culinary masterpieces. For those seeking a more casual yet undeniably luxurious atmosphere, al fresco dining on a balmy summer evening is an experience not to be missed.

Charming sidewalk cafes dot the streets around Casino Square, each offering a unique perspective of the vibrant scene. While indulging in a plate of perfectly prepared pasta or a juicy steak, the world becomes a stage, a constant parade of elegant people and luxurious cars providing a captivating backdrop to the culinary delights.

Monaco’s fine dining scene caters to all palates and preferences, offering an unforgettable fusion of exquisite flavors, impeccable service, and breathtaking surroundings.

Insider Tips for a Blissful Monaco Grand Prix Weekend

Book Early: Accommodation and popular bar/restaurant reservations fill up fast during Grand Prix weekend. Secure your spots well in advance for a stress-free experience.

Consider Public Transport: Traffic and parking are nightmares during the race. Utilize Monaco’s efficient public transportation system or explore by foot to avoid the congestion.

Dress to Impress (Casually): While Monaco leans towards glamour, comfort is key for navigating crowds. Pack stylish yet comfortable walking shoes and elevate your outfit with chic accessories.

Embrace the People-Watching: Casino Square is a vibrant stage during Grand Prix weekend. Grab a seat at a cafe, sip your drink, and soak in the atmosphere of the well-heeled crowd and F1 enthusiasts.

Explore Beyond the Square: Venture outside the immediate Casino Square area. Charming streets in Monte Carlo offer hidden gems like cafes and boutiques.

Pack Light Layers: Weather in Monaco can be unpredictable. Be prepared for sunshine, a cool breeze, or even a sudden shower with light layers you can easily adjust.

Bring Cash (Euros): While many places accept cards, some smaller cafes or street vendors might prefer cash. Having Euros on hand ensures a smooth experience.

Learn Basic French Phrases: A few basic French pleasantries go a long way with locals and can enhance your interactions.

Enjoy the Buzz, but Pace Yourself: The energy is electric, but don’t overdo it. Schedule downtime to recharge and avoid burnout during the action-packed weekend.

Explore Post-Race Deals: Some hotels and restaurants may offer special deals or packages catering to post-race relaxation, so keep an eye out for these opportunities.

Pack Earplugs (Optional): The roar of the engines can be exhilarating, but also overwhelming for some. Consider packing earplugs, especially if you plan on spending extended periods trackside.

Hydrate: Monaco’s weather can be hot, especially during the hustle and bustle of the race. Carry a refillable water bottle and stay hydrated to avoid overheating and fatigue.

Sunscreen and Hat: Sun protection is essential. Pack sunscreen with a high SPF and a hat to shield yourself from the Mediterranean sun.

Download Essential Apps: There are several helpful apps for navigating Monaco during the Grand Prix. Consider apps for public transportation schedules, restaurant reservations (if not booked in advance), and a French phrasebook translation app.

Haggling is Not Expected: Unlike some markets, haggling over prices is not common practice in Monaco. Be prepared to pay the listed price for goods and services.

Tipping Etiquette: Tipping is not mandatory in Monaco, but a small gratuity (around 10%) is always appreciated for good service at restaurants and bars.

Respect the Local Culture: Monaco is a small principality with its own customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites, be mindful of noise levels, and avoid littering.

Embrace the Unexpected: Sometimes, the best experiences come from unplanned moments. Be open to exploring side streets, striking up conversations with locals, or trying a new activity on a whim.

Capture Memories, But Disconnect to Fully Enjoy: While capturing photos and videos is a natural part of the experience, try not to get overly focused on documenting everything. Put your phone down at times to truly immerse yourself in the atmosphere and create lasting memories.

Bring Back Unique Souvenirs: Skip the generic tourist trinkets. Look for local crafts, artisanal food products, or small pieces of art from Monegasque designers as keepsakes that reflect the unique character of the place.


Exploring Monaco’s vibrant culture and indulging in its luxurious spa experiences has been nothing short of magical. From the adrenaline-pumping Monaco Grand Prix to the serene moments at Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo and Spa Metropole by Givenchy, I’ve found a delightful balance between excitement and relaxation.

It’s clear that Monaco excels in offering a unique blend of tradition, innovation, and sustainability, especially in its spa industry. Whether you’re here for the thrill of the race or the tranquility of a spa day, Monaco promises an unforgettable experience.

For me, it’s been an adventure that beautifully marries luxury with well-being, one I can’t wait to dive into again.

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 | Website is a solo project by me, Christal Céleste, a resident of Monaco since 1990. I've practically grown up alongside this unique city-state, and I'm passionate about sharing my experience and insider knowledge with you.

Monaco isn't just a place to visit, it's a lifestyle. And I've been lucky enough to immerse myself in it all. From catching waves on Monaco's exclusive beaches to soaking up the Riviera sun on a private yacht, I've experienced the full spectrum of luxury this playground offers.

But Monaco is more than just glamour. I've also tried my luck at the legendary Casino de Monte Carlo, savored exquisite lunches at Alain Ducasse's restaurants, and enjoyed lively dinners at the waterfront. For my casual escape, there's nothing like strolling Monaco's picturesque main road, soaking in the sights & atmosphere.

When I'm not writing you might find me on the courts at the Monte-Carlo Country Club, teeing off at the Monaco Golf Club, or channeling my inner Grace Kelly with a spin in an exotic car. But Monaco's charm extends beyond the fast lane. There's a simple pleasure in strolling the Rocher with local friends.

In the afternoon you might catch me unwinding at a cozy little Italian flavored coffee shop around the corner of the Royal Palace with that perfectly frothy cappuccino.

As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues, you might find me sipping my favorite aperitif on the rooftop at Buddha-Bar, enjoying the stunning views. Champagne, after all, is a celebration in itself, or simply the perfect way to toast another beautiful day in Monaco.

My finger is always on the pulse of Monaco. Whether it's the latest trends or hidden gems, I'm here to guide you through the magic of this little corner of the world. Join me on this journey to discover Monaco!